Who is “Nomadicbee”?

Over fourteen months ago, I jumped on an airplane from YYZ to ICN, having no idea what was ahead of me. The culture, the language, and in many aspects even the job was a mystery to me. Would I love it? Would I hate it? Will I be able to survive being away from Canada this long? Even now, well into my journey through Korea, my mind is always spinning with questions, but questions of a different kind, questions consisting of much more complexity. How long will I be here? Can I make Seoul my permanent home? Will I ever fit into this culture?


My name is Brittney. I am a 25 year old Canadian girl, living the expat life as an ESL teacher in Seoul, Korea. I came here in May of 2011, believing what most people who come to Korea believe – I will just be here a year. I’ll teach English, I’ll eat kimchi, and I’ll listen to K-pop. I’ll return to Canada with a bunch of crazy stories. Never in my wildest dreams could I see myself contemplating a permanent life as an expat – but I am. There is something so amazing about the culture here, that I have never felt before during my other journeys abroad. Living somewhere, compared to just visiting brings an entirely different perspective on the meaning of travel.

Korea, until very recently in history, was overlooked by other Asian super powers like Japan and China, but now is Korea’s time to shine. Even within the short time I have been here, I have seen parts of Seoul grow immensely, and even the views towards foreigners (or waygookin as we are called by the Korean people) change.

I view Korea, not as this confusing foreign land, but a place of opportunity and beauty. Seoul may be a city full of skyscrapers, and cloned apartment buildings from the outside, but inside Seoul is so much old history, mixed with modern energy. Within the subway car, I may be pushed by a tiny ajumma (old Korean woman) in her track suit and visor, and be bounced off a young Korean girl in 4 inch heels, wearing the latest trends. It is a place where past generations had to fight so hard for their identity and land, that there is so much pride within this tiny peninsula. I can always feel it.

This blog will be my reflections on the things I see and do as I live my daily life in Seoul, and my travels through Asia and beyond. Follow me through my second year here in the ROK…and where I am off to next!

In January, 2014 I am off to a new country, continent, and adventures!

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